
Archive for the ‘International Association of Scientologists (IAS)’ Category

What is the International Association of Scientologists (IAS)?

October 11, 2007 1 comment

Click here for a definition of the Scientology symbol.The IAS is the official membership organization of Scientology, the most vital movement on Earth today.

A Scientologist is defined as “essentially one who betters the conditions of himself and the conditions of others by using Scientology technology.”

The IAS is made up of individual Scientologists who desire to change conditions on this planet for the better. Its purpose is:

To unite, advance, support and protect the Scientology religion and Scientologists in all parts of the world, so as to achieve the aims of Scientology as originated by L. Ron Hubbard.

Why is Scientology a Religion?Through their participation, membership fees and donations, members of the IAS support many efforts geared toward achieving the aims of Scientology.

Their help can be seen in the efforts of thousands of Scientology Volunteer Ministers, providing succor to those affected by the tsunami in Southeast Asia or Hurricane Katrina in the United States, to cite but two recent examples, and in countless individual communities around the globe on a daily basis.

Moreover, with perhaps less obvious but no less urgent epidemics of illiteracy, drug abuse, crime and immorality, IAS members support and carry out programs that are effectively combating these modern-day plagues.

In the field of human rights, here again the IAS membership stands to the fore, both through direct actions in defense of human rights and in support of massive public awareness campaigns aimed at making human rights a universal fact.

Membership fees in the IAS are invested in the dissemination and expansion of Scientology, so that the solutions found in Scientology can be used to improve conditions everywhere.

You too can lend your support to building a better world for all. Find out more about the IAS and its activities here.