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A book with the answer to drugs

October 26, 2007 Leave a comment

There is an answer to drugs.

Effective. Proven. The discoveries in the booklet, Answer to Drugs, by L. Ron Hubbard, has salvaged lives ruined by drug and alcohol abuse. It gets results.

Learn the real reason behind substance abuse. Find out the truth about how drugs affect the human spirit and mind.

And what you can DO ABOUT IT!

It’s practical, easy-to-use and understand.

Simple steps to use to help someone kick the drug habit.

Buy this simple booklet and read it. Use it. Change someone’s life as well as your own. Order Now


Hundreds of thousands have freed themselves from the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol.

Answers to Drugs successes

“I got a call from an old friend who confided in me that his son was a drug addict. Nothing he had done for his son nor any of the rehab programs he’d sent him to had any positive effect. There was even a desire from the son to do something about his problem, but he was too overwhelmed by his addiction. Having just studied and used the techniques from the Answers to Drugs booklet, I agreed to help. My first step was educating the young man, using the booklet itself. I then had him start the nutrition program mentioned in it. With help form his father, I checked in on him every few days and applied the processes from the booklet. Sure enough, he became brighter and more aware after each one I did with him. Life started improving and even his friends noticed and commented on it. He actually called to thank me and asked that familiar question, “What can I do to repay you for your help?” My answer came quickly. “Do the full program mentioned in the booklet and terminatedly handle your problem. He did this and has been drug-free and happy ever since!” A.G.