
Posts Tagged ‘L. Ron Hubbard’

A Deadly White Powder

October 26, 2007 Leave a comment

Cocaine is one of the oldest and most dangerous drugs known to man. It is highly addictive and once a person begins taking it, it is almost impossible to free oneself from its grip. Today, cocaine is a world-wide, multi-billion dollar enterprise. Once considered a “rich man’s drug,” a young person today can buy a few grams of cocaine for little more than the cost of a movie ticket.

“You believe that coke will increase your perceptions, that it will allow you to surpass yourself, that you will be able to control things. It’s bloody nonsense. Soon you won’t pay your bills, you won’t bathe anymore, you give up your friends, your family. You will become defenseless and alone.”

But cocaine is very addictive. It can cause death from respiratory failure, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage or heart attack. Babies born to cocaine-addicted mothers are born addicts themselves. And many suffer birth defects, irreversible genetic damage and many other problems.

Cocaine use continues to flourish, even though the drug is so dangerous. Perhaps this is due to the large amount of false information about the drug that results in increasing numbers of people becoming trapped in the grip of addiction, unable to escape.

Learn more

A book with the answer to drugs

October 26, 2007 Leave a comment

There is an answer to drugs.

Effective. Proven. The discoveries in the booklet, Answer to Drugs, by L. Ron Hubbard, has salvaged lives ruined by drug and alcohol abuse. It gets results.

Learn the real reason behind substance abuse. Find out the truth about how drugs affect the human spirit and mind.

And what you can DO ABOUT IT!

It’s practical, easy-to-use and understand.

Simple steps to use to help someone kick the drug habit.

Buy this simple booklet and read it. Use it. Change someone’s life as well as your own. Order Now


Hundreds of thousands have freed themselves from the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol.

Answers to Drugs successes

“I got a call from an old friend who confided in me that his son was a drug addict. Nothing he had done for his son nor any of the rehab programs he’d sent him to had any positive effect. There was even a desire from the son to do something about his problem, but he was too overwhelmed by his addiction. Having just studied and used the techniques from the Answers to Drugs booklet, I agreed to help. My first step was educating the young man, using the booklet itself. I then had him start the nutrition program mentioned in it. With help form his father, I checked in on him every few days and applied the processes from the booklet. Sure enough, he became brighter and more aware after each one I did with him. Life started improving and even his friends noticed and commented on it. He actually called to thank me and asked that familiar question, “What can I do to repay you for your help?” My answer came quickly. “Do the full program mentioned in the booklet and terminatedly handle your problem. He did this and has been drug-free and happy ever since!” A.G.

The way to a drug-free life

October 26, 2007 Leave a comment

How the drug problem can be solved


Every person who abused drugs started taking them because he was experiencing a precise condition — a physical affliction, a situation in his life, or unwanted emotions such as sadness or boredom — from which he could find no physical or spiritual relief. He found that drugs removed his symptoms or numbed his feelings about what was troubling him.

Thus, Mr. Hubbard discovered that drug abuse is essentially spiritual in nature. The individual, in some way hurt, had been led into the false belief that drugs could cure what ailed him.

The relief is only temporary. Drugs not only fail to resolve the underlying, unwanted condition, but can lead to dependency and addiction.

A drug user becomes less aware of the present, of the people around him and so becomes less considerate and responsible, less active, less capable and less bright.

In our drug-ridden culture, it is a fact that all Scientologists are drug-free. 100% say they take no street drugs at all. This statistic is even more dramatic when compared to the current figures that show more than 30% of the general population in Europe ages 15 to 65 have used drugs.

One does not, however, have to be a heavy narcotics addict to experience a lessening of alertness, fogginess or other effects as a result of some drug use.

Drugs fix a person’s attention at points in his past. Past incidents often appear in visions or hallucinations a person sees while on certain drugs. Attention then often becomes stuck in these incidents after the drug has worn off, with the cumulative effect of the person not feeling “with it” or aware of his present-time environment.

This can be dangerous to the person himself and to others, as seen in the number of drug-related automobile accidents, to say nothing of less serious accidents or mistakes that happen because a person is unaware of what is going on around him.

In fact, in researching the barriers to spiritual gain caused by drugs, Mr. Hubbard uncovered the existence of a drug personality, an artificial personality created by drugs. “Drugs can apparently change the attitude of a person from his original personality to one secretly harboring hostilities and hatreds he does not permit to show on the surface,” wrote Mr. Hubbard. “While this may not hold true in all cases, it does establish a link between drugs and increasing difficulties with crime, production and the modern breakdown of social and industrial culture.”

Mr. Hubbard’s development of the Purification Programme created the means by which one could rid himself of the biochemical residues that reactivate the negative effects of drugs on the mind and self, but it is factually just the first step in a full resolution to the spiritual devastation caused by abuse of drugs, medicine and alcohol.

Other mental and spiritual factors exist, and to address these, Mr. Hubbard developed a series of procedures and actions that address the cause of a person’s decision to take drugs in the first place.

Administered in churches of Scientology, these actions are part of a unique form of spiritual counselling known as auditing — from the Latin root audire, which means “to listen.”

Auditing un-fixes a person’s attention from the past and frees him from the pains, emotions, sensations and other unwanted feelings for which drugs became the “cure.” When that original problem or underlying condition that led the person to turn to drugs as a “solution” is located and handled, he is then fully free from any effects of drugs and from the need to take them.

Breakthrough in the field of drug rehab

October 26, 2007 1 comment

The biochemical discovery

That is the breakthrough that now makes handling drugs and addiction possible where so many earlier methods have failed?

An individual perceives much of existence through the sensory channels of the body. The body is a communications center for the spiritual being — the person himself — with the brain acting as a switchboard for translating thought into action. The biochemical actions of drugs alter the normal operations of this pattern, often with harmful or even disastrous consequences. People under the influence of drugs, even if taken years before, can be in a “wooden” state — unfeeling, insensitive and not capable or trustworthy.

Where the object of spiritual betterment is to increase awareness and rational mental activity and to make individuals more able in all aspects of their lives, progress is directly blocked by drugs.

International studies have confirmed the efficacy of the Hubbard detoxification method.

L. Ron Hubbard researched this barrier to spiritual freedom long before it was recognized by others as the major social concern it is today, and his work yielded a truly effective handling for the adverse biochemical effects of drugs and other toxins.

Among his significant discoveries was that residues from drugs and other toxins lodge in the fatty tissues of the body and stay there, even years after they have been ingested, and these residues can continue to affect the individual adversely long after the effect of the drug has apparently worn off.

Such deposits can cause lowered perception, tiredness, confused thinking and a host of other symptoms — all of which impede achieving increased spiritual awareness and ability.

Realizing that this biochemical factor had to be handled before an individual could achieve lasting spiritual gain, Mr. Hubbard devised what independent researchers acknowledge as the safest, most effective — and only — detoxification procedure of its kind: the Purification Program.

Developed to address the biochemical barrier to spiritual gain, the Purification Program is a carefully designed regimen of exercise, nutrition and sauna use which dislodges drug residues and other toxins from the fatty tissues so that these substances can then be eliminated from the body. A person undergoing this programme is closely monitored by specially trained personnel in liaison with medical doctors to ensure that each aspect of the programme is conducted precisely and the desired benefits are attained.

Once the person has been freed from the harmful effects of these drug residues and other toxins, he is in a far better position to improve as a spiritual being. And this is a state to which many thousands have attested.

While Mr. Hubbard developed his program in 1980 to enhance spiritual development, it was evident that the same method was effective in treating chronic drug addiction. Thus, Narconon adopted it as part of its rehabilitation program.

In the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster, Mr. Hubbard’s detoxification methods were employed and successfully reduced physical accumulations of radioactive particles in Russian victims located within the fallout zone of the reactor, as reported in clinical trials.

News of Mr. Hubbard’s breakthrough soon reached the scientific community. It became evident that the same methods could be used effectively to address a variety of toxic exposures. Thus, important studies embarked upon over the past two decades have provided repeated evidence of the program’s efficacy in eliminating toxins from the body. Its positive detoxification results have been experienced by people the world over — in secular programs ranging from victims of the Chernobyl reactor disaster, to rescue workers exposed to high levels of toxins and pollutants following the collapse of the World Trade Center.

In the state of Michigan in the United States, the accidental contamination of cattle with a toxic fire retardant resulted in 97% of the state’s population having detectable amounts of the retardant in their fatty tissues a full five years later. In 1982, a group was put through the Purification Program. Tests before and after showed a toxin decrease of over 20%. A follow-up examination four months later proved even more significant: Levels of toxins continued to decrease after the program had been completed and showed an average decrease of more than 40%.

New York rescue workers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians, suffering from excessively high levels of toxins encountered during their 9/11 rescue efforts, have been treated successfully by the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project, which also employs Mr. Hubbard’s methods.

Similarly, in 1983, independent researchers conducted tests on a woman who had done the Purification Program after heavy exposure to industrial contaminants. The study noted, “Removal of the toxic substances from her system was accompanied by remission of her subjective complaints as well. She no longer felt the extreme tiredness, malaise and lethargy she had been experiencing since her exposure.”

These early results generated interest from medical and biochemical authorities and, consequently, in study after study through the years, Mr. Hubbard’s research has been validated.

Among the numerous correlative studies was one headed in 1995 by the Research Center for Chronic Pain and Dependency Disorders. Monitoring the rehabilitation of cocaine and Valium addicts using Mr. Hubbard’s technology, researchers found that the detoxification procedure resulted in previously undetectable drugs appearing in both the urine and sweat of former drug users.

The workability of the Purification Program has been experienced by people on every continent. Many who have completed the program report that, along with the eradication of any craving for drugs, they are able to see or hear better than before, can study effectively for the first time, are able to learn new subjects much more easily, get along better with people, appreciate what is going on around them and generally feel healthier and happier.

The entire program is fully explained in the book by L. Ron Hubbard, Clear Body, Clear Mind: The Effective Purification Program.

What can be done about the scourge of drugs?

October 26, 2007 Leave a comment

Since the early 1960s, drug use has steadily increased, beginning in the United States and quickly reaching our shores. Now we see our own cities in the grip of the drug epidemic.

By drugs are meant opiates, cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines, heroin and LSD (to mention a few). Mind-altering prescription drugs and tranquilizers are included. There are thousands of trade names and slang terms for these drugs. Alcohol is also classified as a drug.

Drugs operate by either stimulating or inhibiting certain chemical reactions in the body. The accumulated effects of drug-taking can leave one severely impaired, both physically and mentally. Even when off drugs for years a person can still experience lapses and “blank periods.” Drugs can seriously injure one’s ability to concentrate, to work, to learn, to deal with others. In short, they can shatter a life.

Why, then, do drugs continue to take more victims every day? It has been found that drug abusers began taking drugs because of physical suffering or hopelessness. When a person is depressed, unhappy or in pain — physically or emotionally — and finds no relief, he may turn to drugs. When people are told there is no “cure,” or that their pains and worries are “imaginary,” many instinctively turn to whatever substance might bring relief or make life less of a burden. In other words, unable to do something about their condition, they chemically alter their perceptions of it with drugs.

The young fall prey to pressure from their peers and so succumb to drugs, while others are trapped by addiction to prescription drugs. There are many doors in, but few exits.

Thus the drug dilemma has many faces and ramifications — the corporate manager hooked on cocaine; the housewife who cannot get through a day without pills to escape her migraine; the college student partying wildly all night long at an ecstasy-fueled rave; the school child addicted to and turning anti-social from the drug prescribed for his “learning disorder.”

Nearly everyone knows someone adversely affected by drugs.

And while many have tried to solve the problem, lacking an effective solution, they have failed to halt ever-increasing drug consumption.

One group in particular has become widely known as a drug-free community — members of the Scientology religion. Scientologists use no street drugs and none of the many psychiatric drugs promoted through our culture as a solution to everything from despondency to obesity.1

Scientology is a vibrant, new religious movement based on the research and religious-philosophical writings of author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard. He spent more than a half-century researching basic truths about the mind and the spirit, as well as their relation to and effects upon the body.

Mr. Hubbard discovered drugs to be a major impediment to spiritual progress and enlightenment, which is the primary mission of the Scientology religion. Long after an individual has stopped taking drugs, he can continue to be affected by them, for drug residuals remain in the body and can continue to trigger negative emotional reactions for many years.

Thus, Mr. Hubbard developed a programme to eradicate the harmful spiritual and mental effects of drugs, allowing people to think clearly. He referred to it as a technology because it is a method of application of principles rather than merely knowledge of the subject. His drug handling technology fully resolves the reasons underlying a person’s drug-taking. Nothing else can do this with certainty.

For members of the Scientology religion, ridding themselves of the harmful spiritual effects of drugs is but one aspect of their journey to spiritual enlightenment. However, Mr. Hubbard’s discoveries in this area are so fundamental and workable that they have been adapted by a network of independent secular nonprofit drug education and rehabilitation centers. These centres help people addicted to drugs come off of them and start drug-free lives regardless of their religious persuasion. This network of centres is called Narconon and is described later in this website.

Members of the Scientology religion spearhead an international grassroots educational campaign to provide the facts about the dangers of drugs. This has reached millions across the continent and around the world — raising public awareness about the drug problem with informational materials, events and concerts.

While these anti-drug activities reach broadly into society, another vital vector of drug prevention includes drug education lectures in schools, companies and institutions, providing an in-depth understanding of the effects of drugs on a person’s body, his mind and, in fact, his entire life. This is the key to the success of the Narconon drug education programs — empowering school-age children, and indeed, people of all ages, with knowledge about drug dangers, allowing them to make informed personal decisions about taking drugs.

Members of the Scientology religion spearhead an international grassroots educational campaign to provide the facts about the dangers of drugs, reaching millions of all ages.

For most of those already in the clutches of drugs, effective drug rehabilitation is the only way out. Unfortunately, many governments — believing the propaganda of the psychiatric industry — have placed their hopes and funding into psychiatric-based rehab methods long proven to be dismal failures.

But there is another way. The Narconon drug rehabilitation program restores drug-free living to drug-dependent people. This international network, with centers across Europe, makes effective drug rehabilitation a reality.

Scientologists and churches of Scientology support Narconon in many ways, reinforcing its vital work and effective results.

For those who may never have experienced drug addiction, there is still the accumulation of adverse effects of medicinal and other drugs and toxins. Such substances have crossed virtually everyone’s life — and their short- and long-term effects can place a cloud across a person’s bright future and his spiritual advance. Thus, the Purification Program and specialized religious counseling offered in churches of Scientology relieve the negative effects of drugs and toxins in terms of their mental and spiritual factors.

Active on all these fronts, Scientologists and churches of Scientology are working for a drug-free world, assured of success with the technologies developed by Mr. Hubbard.

1. While Scientologists do not take illicit drugs or psychotropic medications, they are not opposed to the use of medicinal drugs and antibiotics as prescribed by physicians for the resolution of physical conditions.

Scientology Volunteer Ministers: Handling Drugs

October 26, 2007 Leave a comment

Drugs are the major affliction in society. No sector of life is untouched by this epidemic. And while crime and violence are the most obvious byproducts, amorality, aborted educations, job absenteeism and ruined lives are no less serious and just as widespread. The problem is not limited to street drugs — the effects of medical and psychiatric drugs, whether painkillers, tranquilizers or “antidepressants,” are disastrous. But until L. Ron Hubbard addressed this problem and developed a workable drug rehabilitation program, there were no real solutions. Now Volunteer Ministers are trained on this technology and provide others with this knowledge: from discovering why a person turned to drugs in the first place, to detoxifying the body, to providing tools that will enable a person to stay off drugs for good.

Scientology Volunteer Ministers - A Global Force

I contacted the Volunteer Ministers for assistance in my work as a Military Policeman on the Educational Drug Assistance and School Violence Program in Brazil. I was having some difficulties working with children, trying to teach them the consequences of drugs. The Volunteer Ministers helped me, providing me with the principles I needed to communicate to the children and helped me get it across to them. As part of this I learned about the barriers to study because I needed to be able to handle these for myself and for the children. And knowing this technology was life-changing for me and the students. Everyone needs the knowledge I got from the Volunteer Ministers regarding drugs and study. There has been much suffering here and to have answers is very, very important for us.”

Military Police Officer

What’s the Most Successful Drug Rehab Program?

October 22, 2007 Leave a comment

The program steps are entirely drug-free; that is, the Narconon drug rehab program does not use drugs or medications to solve the problems caused by drugs, but does use nutrition and nutritional supplements as an important component of its delivery. Thus the program is neither a psychiatric nor medical, but a social education model of rehabilitation.

Persons enrolling in the program must receive full medical physicals, an M.D.’s permission to do the program and periodic medical review as individually needed. However, Narconon clients are not considered or treated as “patients” but as “students” who are learning to regain control of their lives. This is an important distinction. A Narconon student does not enroll to recover from an “illness”; he enrolls to learn something that he doesn’t already know. He addresses the disability caused by drug use with new abilities, new skills for life.

Narconon staff prepare graduating students with “re-entry” programs to follow as they re-start their lives on a new foot. But the full Narconon drug rehabilitation program is intended to produce graduates who can stand on their own feet and live drug-free, ethical lives thereafter. A Narconon graduate does not go to weekly meetings for months after completion, nor does he describe himself as “recovering.”

A student who has graduated from the Narconon program has recovered. He or she has obtained a new orientation in life. The premise of the Narconon model is that a former addict can achieve a new life. This goal applies (and is routinely achieved) whether the program is delivered in a free-standing center, daily after work, or even in prison.

Once well, if he uses the tools he has practiced and learned to use at a Narconon center, a Narconon graduate can stay well. This is not theoretical. There are three decades of graduates who will swear by it.

If graduates do run into serious difficulties, they return to their Narconon center where they inevitably find a specific part of the program that they earlier failed to fully understand and therefore could not apply in the travails of daily life. But the majority get it the first time through.

The Narconon program takes four to six months. During this time, some might consider the Narconon program a “therapeutic community,” but it would be more appropriate to say that Narconon clients are going “back to school”–this time to get real tools for real life.

“The addict has been found not to want to be an addict, but is driven by pain and environmental hopelessness…As soon as an addict can feel healthier and more competent mentally and physically without drugs than he does on drugs, he ceases to require drugs.”

L. Ron Hubbard

A Narconon Program Graduate is someone

  • Who has completed the Narconon drug rehab program;
  • Who knows he is, in fact, capable of living a drug-free life thereafter;
  • Who has improved his or her ability to learn and thus can accept new ideas on how to change life for the better;
  • Who has personally absorbed the fundamentals of ethics and morality well enough that he or she can be productive and contributive to society and will have no further troubles with the justice system;
  • Who knows how to solve the problems of life in a rational manner to the best of his ability, without the use of mind-altering drugs.

Each Narconon program graduate is expected, no matter the severity of his or her earlier life experience, to achieve and to live a stably drug-free, ethical life, one for one.

There is no such thing as a “victim” in the Narconon program way of thinking. Even if life has dealt one a bad hand of cards, the road out is through personal recognition of responsibility for one’s own condition.

Results and Reviews of the Narconon Program

The Narconon Program has one of the highest success rates in the field of drug rehabilitation, with outside studies showing 75% of the graduates going on to lead stable, ethical, productive drug-free lives. These results are hard earned by the students, addressing many factors of one’s life, both physical and mental. It is this success that has led to the large expansion of the Narconon network over the past 36 years.

The Narconon drug prevention program has also been shown to be highly effective in raising young people’s perception of risk regarding drugs. We have hundreds of thousands of student evaluations demonstrating this change, including many statements that they will no longer use drugs now that they understand the real effects and dangers.

Their results have been documented by numerous reviews, studies and white papers on the various components of both our drug rehab and drug prevention programs.

Scientific and Research Studies of the Narconon Program

The following links provide information on studies and professional evaluations that have been done on the Narconon program and it’s methodology. Of particular interest are the findings of L. Ron Hubbard’s detoxification program.

Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

Saving Lives with Drug Education

October 11, 2007 Leave a comment

Cocaine and CrackL. Ron Hubbard wrote, “Drug addicts have been found to have begun drug-taking because of physical suffering or hopelessness.”

The key to handling the drug problem is prevention. For this reason, IAS-sponsored awareness campaigns have been implemented to bring the truth about drugs to millions. Billboards, notices in magazines, radio announcements, posters, pamphlets and comprehensive booklets are making the real facts about drugs known.

Handing out Drug Prevention Booklets on the streetHighly effective booklets which explain the dangers of drugs have been funded by IAS grants and distributed by its members throughout Europe. They are a key component of the anti-drug campaign and are published in 15 languages with millions distributed. The booklets provide facts about many street drugs and are having a very positive impact on young people. Many have told volunteers that after reading one of the booklets they either stopped taking drugs or decided not to start in the first place.

Handing out Drug Prevention Booklets on the streetTo give parents and educators a better understanding of the drugs their children are exposed to, the Church of Scientology published Drugs and Children: What to do. The booklet describes the effects of drugs on children and how to communicate to young people about the dangers of drugs. These booklets have been funded by IAS grants and have been distributed as a public service by Churches of Scientology and individual members of the IAS throughout Europe.

Federal and local government officials and police have found the booklets to be an effective weapon they can use in their own efforts in the war on drugs. Business owners, police officers, doctors, nightclubs, schools, community newspapers, radio stations and anti-drug organizations have distributed the booklet.
Cocaine and Crack

Athletes, officials, school children and parents all across Europe also signed a pledge making a commitment to be drug-free.

As with many IAS-sponsored programs carried out by members, these small booklets are literally saving lives.

Who is L. Ron Hubbard?

October 10, 2007 Leave a comment

L. Ron Hubbard was a writer, philosopher and humanitarian who founded the Scientology religion. He passed away on January 24, 1986.

As a prolific and popular author, Mr. Hubbard is best known for his works on Dianetics and Scientology—which include 18 volumes of technical writings, 12 volumes of administrative works and more than 3,000 taped lectures describing various aspects of Scientology. He also wrote on the subjects of education, drug rehabilitation, morals, art and many other areas.

A remarkable man of many accomplishments, his legacy includes:

A drug rehabilitation program that has freed more than 250,000 people from the scourge of drugs. Today, this program is administered by Narconon International in 50 centers in 21 countries.

A Study Technology that is used today in 29 countries and on 6 continents, ranging from China to the black townships of South Africa and the inner cities of the United States. More than three million people around the world have attained literacy through the work of the organization that administers this technology, Applied Scholastics International.

What is the Scientology view on drugs?

October 10, 2007 2 comments

Scientologists use medical drugs when physically ill and also rely on the advice and treatment of medical doctors. Scientologists do not take street drugs or mind-altering psychiatric drugs of any kind.

Scientologists believe that psychotropic or street drugs damage a person physically, mentally and spiritually. They decrease awareness and hinder abilities. They are a “solution” to some other problem and themselves become a problem.

Mr. Hubbard developed an entire body of technology to enable individuals to recover from the harmful mental and spiritual effects of drugs. His discoveries are widely used in countries all over the world. (See “What is the Purification Rundown?” and “What is Narconon?”)